Attending a Virtual City Meeting as a Zoom Attendee

To gain access to City of Brunswick public meetings - please navigate to the posted Zoom webinar link.   This can be found on the city’s Facebook page.

When joining, please enter your real name and not an alias, nickname, etc.   Please listen for your name to be called when it is your time to speak, and you will be permitted to do so.


Attending a Commission Meeting: Attendee

  1. If you are attending the commission meeting as an attendee, please be aware of the meeting’s agenda for any specific portion of interest to you.
    1. This is important for public comment; if you wish to speak publicly, you must get in contact with the City Clerk's Office before the meeting’s date.  Please provide your full name without any pseudonyms or nicknames.
  2. If you have any queries for the commission during the meeting, you may use Zoom’s raise hand function, the chat box, or the questions tab to interact with the meeting panelists.