Purpose & Background
The Glynn-Brunswick Land Bank Authority (GBLBA) was established to acquire tax delinquent properties in order to foster the public purpose of returning non-revenue generating, non-tax producing land to an effective utilization status in order to provide housing, new industry, and jobs for the citizens of the county. The GBLBA Board has seven members: 2 members of the Brunswick City Commission, 2 members of the Glynn County Board of Commissioners, 1 member of the Glynn County Board of Education, and 2 citizens.
The Glynn-Brunswick Land Bank Authority functions as a strategic development tool that supports growth and investment within the neighborhoods of Glynn County through the elimination of blighted and abandoned properties. The GBLBA acquires these properties and makes them available for redevelopment by qualified non-profits, developers, investors, and individuals.
Glynn-Brunswick Land Bank staff will be happy to answer your questions and can be reached at (912) 280-1997 or (912) 289-7406.
The appointee must be an adult resident of the incorporated areas of the City of Brunswick or Glynn County; shall have special interest, experience or education in urban planning, community development, real estate, law, finance, or related areas.
Board of Authority
Name | Entity | Term Expires |
Felicia Harris (Chair) | City Commissioner | 12/31/25 |
Kendra Rolle | City Commissioner | 12/31/25 |
Jill Wright | City-Resident | 4/15/25 |
Walter Rafolski | County Commissioner | 12/31/24 |
Allen Booker (Vice Chair) | County Commissioner | 8/9/28 |
John Dow Jr. | County-Resident | 1/20/26 |
Audrey Gibbons | Glynn County Board of Education | 12/31/24 |
Applying For a Land Bank Property
If you are interested in purchasing a Land Bank property, please review our disposition policy and submit an application of interest.
Old City Hall
1229 Newcastle Street 2nd Floor
Brunswick, GA 31520