Records Management
All public records are maintained, organized, archived and discarded by the City Clerk's Office and follows the State of Georgia's record retention schedule. In accordance, the City Clerk's Office handles all Open Records Requests (ORR). The Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. §50-18-70) states that all public records are available for inspection and copying unless exempt from disclosure under the law.
Requesting Records
Beyond our online ORR form found below, request can be made by filling out this paper form, then emailing it to CityClerk [at] (CityClerk[at]cityofbrunswick-ga[dot]gov) or mailing/delivering it to City Hall.
Costs of Records
Emailed copies of records are free with the exception of preparation/research cost. This may include (but is not limited to) the cost to redact, locate, convert, and scan records if said tasks require more than 15 minutes to complete. Please see the fee table below for all associated costs:
Preparation/Research | The time and cost is calculated by using the hourly salary of the lowest paid employee qualified to conduct the research of the Open Records Request, with no charge for the first fifteen minutes. |
Paper Copies | $0.10 per page. |
DVD | $10 per DVD. |
Postage | Varies based on weight and size of the envelope/package. |
To learn about your payment options, Click Here.